I will start telling you about my painting story from the beginning, very beginning....
My teen friends and I took years of private drawing lessons in order to get into Architecture Program in Wroclaw, Poland. Education was free but one had to fight very hard for a spot. I was well trained and got in. But I had often questioned my talent.... and if I even had any!
During the program we studied not only the drawing but also sculpture, painting, and photography. I loved it all but still felt very insecure. I was surrounded by such a great talent.
In 1979, nineteen years old, I have befriended a nice student of Fine Arts and painted with him one day. He was making lots of money producing fabulous, and very quick, winter watercolor landscapes. He sold them by boxes in West Germany.
The "Krakow in rain" is my very first watercolor, and color, art. Watching Donat I had concentrated on theme I knew and practiced for years - architecture.
I have always felt this attempt quite decent. It was the very first time I felt I had some talent to explore and wanted to do more...Life got in a way but that is another story.
Ahh.... I am not finished with the full story just yet!
Confused about timing I had signed this, very special to me work, in 1989, while already in Canada since 1981.
Not having much to give to the man of my life I had gifted him this piece with dedication on the back. Secretly I had hoped I would still keep it but it was way too early to tell.
This painting belongs to David Goede. Or should I say it in snobbery fashion - This painting is in David Goede Sr. Collection.