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New! Urban Sketching Summer Course

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July 2024: Four sessions: Booking To be Confirmed!

I am adopting an "urban sketching" style of journaling live on a site. After an initial indoor instruction we will relocate for sketching and simple watercolor painting on location nearby. This course adopts the urbam sketching style for our beautiful Island landscape and our a unique urban environment. You will start and fill an A7 size Sketchbook. These art creations are for your personal journaling and fun. No need for extreme talent nor huge art aspirations. Gatherings will be fun and we will enjoy creative comradery. Still life and indoor projects will be selected for days when weather does not cooperate. Meeting will take place Mondays 4pm at the Nanoose Place Room A. Allow total of 2-3 hrs. Car or carpooling will be required. Simple material will be required per recommended list. I will help by assembling basic kits for reasonable purchase.